Executive Team Coaching is an Unnecessary Luxury for Those Rocking the Status Quo

June 13, 2023

As an Executive Team Coach, I have worked with hundreds of individual senior leaders and dozens of campuses over the last several years. Coaching executive teams can be similar to personal performance coaching in many ways — especially when team leaders have the mindset that the team is the unified entity for building reliable systems. 

Healthy leaders are always healthy people first. I have yet to find a healthy leader who wasn’t first a healthy person. Those healthy leaders are the lifeblood of healthy teams. 

Guess what healthy teams build?

You win if you said smart systems.

executive team coaching

Simply put, you can’t build reliable systems with unhealthy teams. 

How many of you are standing upon the unhealthy shoulders of teams who built the dumpster fire of a system you have inherited?

Team members have an interdependent relationship with one another to achieve common priorities, objectives, tasks, and a campus vision.
Executive Team Coaching helps these teams see their strengths, obstacles, and potential to accelerate the system’s mission delivery. 

In essence,
Executive Team Coaching involves, at its core, systems thinking. 

Often campus leadership teams are composed of leaders who head their own divisions and departments. Hence, I have painfully observed executive team meetings that feel like battlegrounds to fight more for each department's insular desires than the system's holistic needs. 

As renowned author Patrick Lencioni has written in his book 
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, for the organization to succeed, the leadership team must be your number one team. The development process of Executive Team Coaching enhances a leadership team’s overall systems thinking beyond their immediate team.

Team Coaching Vs. Team Building

Executive Team Coaching isn’t the same as team building. While team building is essential, Executive Team Coaching is about digging into the tough stuff to create tangible alignment and cohesive teams. Executive Team Coaching includes a blend of coaching, teaching, facilitation, strategic blueprinting, assessment, mediation, and positive psychology. 

Executive Team Coaching sharpens your advantage and drives
Higher Performance.

I like to think of the dynamic of a leadership team as if it were a healthy marriage. Team building is like having fun dates and having regular alone time as a couple. This is essential for healthy couples. Still, this isn’t enough if the twosome desires to grow deeper in their commitment to each other and those they serve. Couples who only focus on having fun typically avoid having deeper conversations about their goals, future, setbacks, and where they might be failing to find alignment. 

Executive Team Coaching
is where leaders step into the “work” part of the marriage. Conversely, suppose a couple only does the hard work and never has time set aside for activities together. In that case, they can grow tired of “the grind,” which, left accidentally, can erode the relationship. 

We need time to be IN the relationship and work ON the relationship.

Individual Coaching Vs. Executive Team Coaching

Individual coaching is essential to help leaders work on their mindset and personal development. Executive coaching helps leaders become more effective and more influential in their impact. Executive Team Coaching works with the whole team while fully understanding each leader's personal temperaments, wiring, and goals. Executive Team Coaching helps each leader become more effective within the team as the team becomes more effective in building the system. 

To develop as one cohesive system, executive teams must be intentional to work (consistently) across three distinct systems:

  • Your Culture System (Team Communication and Connection)
  • Your Coherence System (Team Alignment and Execution)
  • Your Human System (Team Capacity)

HPG specializes in guiding the executive team across these success systems while fighting for the best good of each leader on the team.

Individual coaching and Executive Team Coaching are essential for every campus's mission delivery and performance. If you were to pick between the two, Executive Team Coaching is the win as it integrates all of the essential elements for Higher Performance. 

  1. 1:1 Performance Coaching: To Drive Individual Success
  2. Team 360 Baseline/Benchmark Assessments: To Assess Team Health
  3. Natural Leadership Profile {NLP}: To Illuminate the Unique Brilliance of Each Leader
  4. A Community of Practice: To Solve Practical Problems
  5. Strategic Planning: To Blueprint Your Success Journey
  6. Non-Proprietary Tools: To Help you Build {YOUR-OS} – Your Operating System for People and System Development
  7. A Scrappy Coach: Who Fights for the Best Good of YOU, Your TEAM, and Your SYSTEM

Who Needs Executive Team Coaching?

Executive Team Coaching helps teams work through complex decisions where there are no (easy) or correct answers. The process helps strengthen:

  • Team Communication
  • Team Connection
  • Team Alignment
  • Team Capacity
  • Team Execution
  • Reliable Systems

Any campus team leveled out in performance or stuck in underperformance would find great value in Executive Team Coaching.

An Intentional Investment

Executive Team Coaching isn’t a one-and-done experience but a developmental process to build Habits of Higher Performance and an irresistible culture to keep your best talent and attract more of the same. 

Who could benefit from Executive Team Coaching?

  • The Campus President’s Cabinet and their Leadership Teams
  • The District Superintendent’s Cabinet and their Leadership Teams
  • The Campus Vice Presidents and their Leadership Teams
  • School Principals and their Building Leadership Teams
  • Executive Directors and their Leadership Teams
  • Agency Leaders and Their Leadership Teams
  • Educational Service Divisions and their Leadership Teams
  • Governing Boards
  • Really…any publicly serving institution

Did this post spur you to consider Executive Team Coaching for your leadership team?

Executive Team Coaching can help sharpen your advantage and drive Higher Team Performance. 

Learn More

P.S. Campus teams, on average, function at less than 60% of their performance potential because they don't invest in team capacity and team potential.

The HPG Team has created a training and coaching practice to help teams win against the gravitational pull of average performance, and we can help YOU!

  1. Check out our suite of leader and team resources 👇🏼
  2. Set up a call to explore the next steps 👇🏼

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What fruit flies and frustrated executives have in common Picture this: A minor workplace irritant shows up in your inbox at 8:47 AM. By lunch, it's festered into a full-blown emotional abscess. Sound familiar? You're not alone - and the science behind this emotional contagion is more fascinating than you'd think. Recent research in organizational psychology reveals that leader annoyance acts like an emotional pathogen, spreading through teams with surprising speed and potency. A groundbreaking study by Barsade and O'Neill (2016) found that emotional contagion from leaders to team members occurs in as little as seven minutes of interaction. The kicker? Negative emotions spread faster than positive ones by a factor of 3:1. The Neural Network of Negativity Just as our bodies respond to physical injuries with inflammation - a protective response gone awry - our brains process minor emotional injuries through a similar mechanism. Neuroscience research by Davidson et al. (2019) demonstrates that sustained irritation activates the same neural pathways as physical pain, creating what they call an "emotional inflammatory response." The real danger isn't in the initial trigger. It's in what organizational behavior expert Susan David calls the "emotional amplification loop." When leaders marinate in their annoyance, they unknowingly give permission for their entire team to do the same. The Numbers Tell the Story Here's what the research reveals: Teams with chronically annoyed leaders showed a 24% decrease in psychological safety scores (Edmondson & Lei, 2022) Negative emotional expressions from leaders are remembered 4x longer than positive ones One visible display of leader frustration can impact team productivity for up to 4 hours The Emotional Composting Method Here's the pivot point: While we can't control the initial emotional paper cut, we absolutely own what happens next. David's research makes a crucial distinction between sharing our "wounds" (raw, current irritations) and our "scars" (processed, learned-from experiences). The former spreads contagion; the latter builds resilience. The most emotionally intelligent leaders I know have developed what I call an "annoyance off-ramp" - a practiced response to those first tingles of irritation. They've learned to metabolize minor frustrations before they become major infections. Think of it as emotional composting - turning what could be toxic waste into fertilizer for growth. Three Practices for Emotional Composting Name it to tame it: Label your irritation specifically and privately Track your emotional inflammation rate: How quickly do minor annoyances escalate? Create your personal off-ramp ritual: A specific practice for processing irritation Your Leadership Challenge Gather your leadership team and pose this question: "What's our team's current 'emotional inflammation rate'? If we tracked how quickly minor annoyances escalate into team-wide issues, what patterns would we see?" Identify one specific friction point from the past month and map out how it spread through your organization. What could an "annoyance off-ramp" look like for that particular situation? Remember: Culture isn't just what you celebrate - it's what you tolerate. Including your own emotional reactions. REFERENCES : Barsade, S. G., & O'Neill, O. A. (2016). Manage your emotional culture. Harvard Business Review, 94(1), 58-66. Davidson, R. J., et al. (2019). The neural bases of emotional regulation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 20(11), 563-572. Edmondson, A. C., & Lei, Z. (2022). Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an interpersonal construct. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 9, 233-261.
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Strategies for Moving Past Organizational Gridlock When problems become our pets, we feed them daily. We house them in the corners of our institutions, letting them grow from minor inconveniences into immovable monuments. As educational leaders, we're particularly susceptible to this trap - not because we're ineffective, but precisely because we're busy and dedicated to getting things right. The psychology behind problem hoarding is fascinating. Research by Sheard and Kakabadse (2022) found that educational leaders often develop what they term "complexity attachment" - an unconscious investment in maintaining difficult situations rather than resolving them. This manifests in behaviors like refusing support, rejecting collaboration, and personalizing institutional challenges. The Hidden Cost of Holding On Studies reveal alarming statistics: 65% of educational leaders report spending more than half their time managing recurring problems Teams under problem-hoarding leadership show 41% lower innovation rates Institutional change initiatives fail 73% more often when leaders refuse to delegate challenges Breaking Free: The Three R's of Problem Liberation Release : Acknowledge that holding problems doesn't equal solving them Redistribute : Share challenges across your team's collective wisdom Reimagine : View problems as opportunities for systemic growth The Power of Productive Detachment Recent work by Heifetz and Linsky (2021) suggests that leaders who practice "productive detachment" show significantly higher rates of successful organizational transformation. This means: Separating personal identity from institutional challenges Creating space for multiple solution pathways Embracing collective problem-solving approaches From Hoarding to Harvesting The most effective leaders understand that problem-solving isn't a solitary sport. Fullan's (2023) study of high-performing school districts found that leaders who engaged in "networked improvement communities" solved complex challenges 3.4 times faster than those who tackled issues alone. Your Action Steps Identify one problem you've been "polishing rather than solving" Invite three fresh perspectives to examine the challenge Document the resistance and revelations that emerge Remember: The alternative to problem hoarding isn't problem abandonment - it's problem sharing. References: Edmondson, A. C. (2018). The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth. Wiley. Fullan, M. (2023). Leading in a culture of change (3rd ed.). Jossey-Bass. Heifetz, R. A., & Linsky, M. (2021). Leadership on the line: Staying alive through the dangers of leading (2nd ed.). Harvard Business Review Press. Sheard, G., & Kakabadse, A. P. (2022). Leadership in turbulent times: A study of organizational adaptation and transformation. Journal of Change Management, 22(1), 45-67.
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